MI Pro Appoints President for US Division
Andrew Jeavons has joined MI Pro AS as President of its new USA division, MI Pro USA Inc. The company develops and markets an integrated survey development, analysis and reporting environment for market research and CRM.
Jeavons studies Psychology at London University and joined the survey software industry in 1984. He worked at Quantime Ltd on the development of Quantum and Quancept, was one of founders of ATP Ltd and went on to develop the first version of e-Tabs. In 1994 he became President of US operations for Surveycraft Pty, which was acquired by SPSS in 1998.
He has also worked as a strategic consultant and software developer for companies such as NFOW, Burke Infratest, Harris Interactive in a career spanning Europe, the USA and Australasia. A frequent conference speaker, he is the author of two award winning papers and of a monthly technology column for 'Research World', the members' magazine of ESOMAR.
MI Pro has recently launched an ASP service for web interviewing and data analytics, and has an expanding US client list. Co-Founder Per Jacobsen says he is delighted to welcome Jeavons to MI Pro: 'I'm certain that his extensive knowledge and experience in the survey software industry will help up to attain new heights'.
The company's web site is at www.mipro.no
