Nunwood Wins Post Office C-Sat
Another Pat on the back for UK agency Nunwood Consulting, which has won a major continuous contract to measure customer satisfaction for the Post Office. The project aims to develop an end-to-end understanding of customers' service experience, taking soundings at various lifecycle stages.
The overall objective is to evaluate the most appropriate communication and delivery channel to engage customers and drive increased revenues in conjunction with the launch of a series of new products. A combination of techniques including qual, quant and statistical analysis is proposed, with four key elements:- PDA branch interviews, to obtain information on some of the lower penetration products
- telephone interviews focusing on call centre led products and services such as the recently launched Car Insurance and Personal Loans
- online interviews for feedback on web based touchpoint services such as the new Post Office(r) Flowers online, and
- mystery shoppers who will evaluate the call centre experience.
Crispin Beale, Head of Research Planning & Development at Post Office Ltd., says the research will provide 'seamless insight' as the Post Office(r) brand and its product and service offering evolves, 'ensuring areas of positive experiences and perceptions are enhanced and translated across all our products and services'. According to Nunwood MMD Clare Bruce, 'The Post Office has very ambitious targets for 2005 and the pace of their business will change dramatically over the next 12 months. For this reason the structure of our research programme has been developed to work flexibly in line with the increase in business that such changes are likely to effect. We look forward to a very busy and exciting year'.
