Stagwell Launches 'Unlock Surveys' Panel
Marcoms group Stagwell, the owner of the Harris Poll and Harris X brands as well as Maru Group, has launched a new global research community called Unlock Surveys, with plans to add more than 200,000 high-quality, active survey members in 2024.
The panel will sit within the Stagwell Marketing Cloud (SMC) suite of SaaS marketing solutions. 'Beyond the standard single-use research panels', notes the company, 'the Stagwell Marketing Cloud will tap into proprietary data from Unlock Surveys to drive more comprehensive, two-way consumer behavioral analytics, thereby enhancing media targeting capabilities and providing marketers with more granular insights into the demands of modern-day consumers'. Clients of any of Stagwell's more than 70 agencies will have access to a centralized data source and the flexibility to pursue 'follow-up surveys, longitudinal studies, qualitative interviews, and other activities' without calling in additional suppliers / support.
All members of the panel will be email double-opted-in, and will be required to pass 'a series of stringent quality measures' including 'cutting edge' bot deterrents and fraud prevention systems before being available for a survey.
Chairman and CEO Mark Penn says the new offering is 'arguably the most significant research panel launched in nearly a decade, in an industry that has seen research means consolidated, leading to commoditization, poor data quality and high participant turnover'. Adam Dietrich, who will serve as MD of Unlock Surveys, comments: 'Under the current model, researchers and brands can spend tens of millions of dollars per year collecting online research from an increasingly unreliable pool of external suppliers. In exchange, the quality of that deliverable has declined dramatically over the past decade as fraud rates have increased, respondent engagement has dropped, and trust has diminished. We're building Unlock Surveys in a way that connects with authentic people and is underpinned by proven, time-tested research principles'.
Web sites: www.unlocksurveys.com and www.stagwellmarketingcloud.com .
