DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 36676
Published May 9 2024




ViewersLogic Taps AI for Brand Consideration Tool

Consumer behaviour data company ViewersLogic has launched a solution which it says will 'transform how brands measure consumer journeys and brand consideration'.

Simen MoenViewersLogic passively measures consumer behaviour from media consumption to purchase, across TV, online and the real world, allowing marketers to draw a direct line between media spend and consumers' actions. The firm says its use of single-source data and AI-powered consumer behaviour analysis make the new tool 'a faster, more cost-effective, and highly accurate alternative' to traditional brand awareness approaches 'such as surveys'. The solution also avoids problems with inaccurate self-reported data and uncertain attribution by focusing on 'actual consumer behaviour data', to give real-time, 'precise and actionable' insights for brand engagement and consideration.

The new solution, named 'Brand Consideration 2.0', analyses 'all' consumer journeys within a specific sector during a designated time frame - typically one week - and provides brand engagement data such as the percentage of journeys in which the brand was the sole one considered; instances where the brand was not part of the consumer's journey; and the position in other cases of the brand within that journey (eg whether it was first, second, third considered, etc). This is correlated with data on exposure to specific TV and online ad campaigns or activities, to identify impact. Analysis can be done retrospectively, enabling brands to compare the before-and-after effects of campaigns and measure the long-term impact; and can extend to actual sales conversions.

Sameer Modha, Measurement Innovation Lead at ITV says the tool has already proved to be 'a practical and finely tuned detector of changes in brand consideration... especially useful for detecting the impact of TV sponsorship on the customer journey in a way that demonstrates what we all suspect - that the response to sponsorship goes well beyond the guesstimated eight minutes that's visible with spotlift techniques'. Simen Moen (pictured), Head of Data at ViewersLogic describes the solution as 'a cost-effective, real-time and data-driven alternative to understanding brand engagement and consideration'.

Web site: www.viewerslogic.com .


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