DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 36740
Published May 24 2024




Media Monitors Radio and TV Measures Accredited Again

US firm Media Monitors has earned continuing MRC accreditation for its Radio and TV spot services reporting pre-recorded advertising spots of at least 15 seconds in length.

Philippe GeneraliMedia Monitors provides near real-time intelligence on US audiences for radio, television, cable, print and display Internet. It also tracks a variety of media in other major economies including Canada, the UK, Australia, India, New Zealand, Malaysia and South Africa. The firm has been approved by the MRC (Media Rating Council) for its US Radio spot data since 2008 and US TV spot data since 2017.

President and CEO Philippe Generali (pictured) comments: 'Receiving continued MRC accreditation is a testament to our unwavering dedication to maintaining high standards of product and service excellence. This recognition underscores the importance of quality within the radio and television advertising markets, ensuring our clients receive reliable and impactful data'. MRC Executive Director and CEO George W. Ivie says the continued accreditation 'speaks volumes about Media Monitors' leadership and innovation in delivering reliable advertising data'.

The MRC, which currently audits more than 110 research products, is online at www.mediaratingcouncil.org .


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