DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 36744
Published May 24 2024




Salesforce Adds AI Data Features

CRM giant Salesforce has unveiled new features for its conversational AI assistant Einstein Copilot, including tools for bringing together business and commerce data and for personalizing customer interactions 'at every touchpoint', as well as helping with everyday merchandising and marketing tasks.

Ariel KelmanEinstein Copilot was launched in January, promising to enhance shopper experience by giving merchandisers and marketers a real-time understanding of customer behavior and preferences.

The new tools include Einstein Copilot for Marketers, which automatically generates marketing briefs, content and email campaigns, with responses 'grounded in customer data and aligned to brand voice'. Another, Data Cloud for Commerce, allows retailers to harmonize enterprise data such as product details, inventory status and transactional history, with customer data: merchants can use it to boost revenue and efficiency with insights from AI-powered analytics and automation to guide key business decisions - for example choosing to bundle underperforming products, or sending abandoned cart and back-in-stock notifications.

Einstein Personalization allows users to tap real-time customer data from Salesforce's Data Cloud to deliver marketing campaigns that automatically trigger next best offers and personalized content at any point of customer engagement. Salesforce says the new tools, built on its Einstein 1 Platform, uniquely combine access to company-specific data stored within Data Cloud with access to Salesforce metadata. The latter gives 'complete context' to a customer's request, according to the company.

Ariel Kelman (pictured), President and CMO of Salesforce, comments: 'Marketing and commerce leaders need a trusted advisor to help them tap into the promise of generative AI. With the Einstein 1 Platform we're giving organizations the power to unify all of their data on one trusted platform. This is the key to getting results from generative AI that are actually useful in driving your business forward'.

All elements are backed by the 'Einstein Trust Layer', which safeguards the confidentiality of the data within these responses, preventing the LLM from retaining any of the information provided. The new tools will roll out across the summer and fall of 2024.

Web home page: www.salesforce.com .


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