DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 36749
Published May 28 2024




Ipsos iris Adds YouTube Metrics in Aus

Ipsos has augmented its iris digital audience measurement currency in Australia with the launch of enriched YouTube audience reach and watch time data across mobile, desktop and tablets.

Simon Wakeiris was adopted as the audience currency in the UK in 2021 and recently saw its contract there extended until 2027. In Australia, the IAB announced its official endorsement by the association's Board and Measurement Council in February last year. The service combines metered data from a nationally representative, single-source passive panel with site-centric census measurement via media owner tagging, to provide data about visits to digital content across desktops and laptops, smartphones, and tablets.

The latest extension, developed in collaboration with IAB Aus and Google, will see YouTube connected TV (CTV) audiences added in during the second half of 2024, allowing media owners, agencies and advertisers more scope to analyse media exposure across platforms in one place and against uniform demographics. iris will break out YouTube measurement and report against 500+ audience segmentations, reflecting the continuing growth of the channel which has around 2.5 billion monthly active users.

Simon Wake (pictured), Ipsos Australia CEO comments: 'We are thrilled to bring YouTube's rich data into Ipsos iris. The inclusion of video views and watch time for YouTube content not only enhances the robustness of our platform but also provides our subscribers with a holistic view of digital video consumption that now includes OzTAM BVOD and tagged websites'.

IAB Australia CEO Gai Le Roy says the launch is 'an important step in our quest to define the full Australian digital video viewing landscape across all screens within a trusted system, adhering to common standards for robustness and transparency'. Caroline Oates, Head of YouTube Advertising AUNZ, says the company 'firmly believes that independent, transparent and privacy centric measurement helps the industry navigate an increasingly fragmented media landscape'.

Web site: https://iris-au.ipsos.com .


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