DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 36807
Published June 10 2024




Keen Adds AI to Marketing Mix Platform

Durham, NC-based marketing mix software company Keen Decision Systems has added an interpretative AI function to its platform.

Greg DolanKeen's 'next-generation marketing mix system' combines historical performance measurement with predictive and prescriptive plans to optimize ongoing cross-channel marketing spend choices, tied to financial outcomes. The firm says the addition of interpretive AI enhances this solution by providing a comprehensive executive summary of a media plan in real time.

The new AI model analyses the media plan the firm's software has generated alongside other global marketing data, and provides recommendations for spending and channel allocation over time. It also promises to adjust to changes on the fly, for example if there are changes in the marketing environment, such as seasonal factors or inflation.

Co-founder and CEO Greg Dolan (pictured) comments: 'Our platform has long relied on AI to create more impactful and efficient models. By leveraging interpretive AI, marketers now have a full view of their marketing mix models, forecasts and spend in an easily digestible format, eliminating the need for extensive data analysis and ensuring that teams can deliver effective plan summaries in a matter of minutes'. Keen's Head of Product Joshua Lucas says the firm is embedding AI in its platform end-to-end, and sees it as 'the key to driving down the expertise needed to build models, optimize plans and communicate insights'.

Web site: www.keends.com .


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