DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 36835
Published June 14 2024




LiveRamp Integrated with NielsenONE

Nielsen has partnered with data management and sharing platform LiveRamp to power the 'Big Data + Panel' audience planning and measurement components of its NielsenONE offering.

Stefan MarisLiveRamp's RampID technology will connect first- and third-party data sources to Nielsen, allowing for cross-platform planning and measurement of audiences using Nielsen ONE Ads, Nielsen's planning suite, and its data-driven linear solutions. Clients can create and use advanced audiences across screens, on-the-fly, at both the household and person-based levels.

Stefan Maris (pictured), Chief Partnerships Officer at Nielsen comments: 'We've seen the industry demand grow across linear and digital for highly targeted audiences powered by big data. Our integration with LiveRamp enables seamless connectivity of both first and third-party data to plan and measure advanced audiences at scale using Big Data + Panel'.

Vihan Sharma, Chief Revenue Officer of LiveRamp, adds: 'Our integration with Nielsen delivers a more holistic and detailed understanding of audiences across screens that empowers both brands and agencies to improve activation, and publishers to enhance the value of their inventory. All parties gain access to deep insights that fuel a powerful flywheel around planning and measurement'.

The partners are online at www.nielsen.com and www.liveramp.com .


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