DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 36877
Published June 25 2024




Veritonic Adds Benchmarking to its Brand Lift Offer

In New York, audio analytics and research platform Veritonic has enhanced it Brand Lift measurement solution with benchmarking features, helping to set campaign performance in context.

Scott SimonelliVeritonic helps clients research, test and measure the ROI of their audio assets and campaigns before, during and after they run. In the last year it has added measurement of traffic from YouTube; a feature to measure the performance of embedded or baked-in audio ads; long-form video content analysis; a Brand Lift variant called Pulse, bringing its products to those running smaller campaigns; and Cross-Podcast Listenership Measurement.

The firm's Brand Lift solution, available both as a managed service and self-serve, now includes benchmarks across an array of measurement categories including Awareness, Favorability and Intent, allowing users to compare the lift performance of a specific campaign with that of other brands.

Founder and Chief Exec Scott Simonelli (pictured) says the firm is dedicated to 'furnishing its clients with unparalleled access to comprehensive, full-funnel data, empowering them to win in audio'. He adds: 'Our latest benchmarking advancements not only offer our clients a contextual grasp of campaign efficiency, but also serve as a compass for future campaign optimizations which pave the way for more impactful audio advertisement efforts and a higher ROI'.

Web site: www.veritonic.com .


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