DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 36907
Published July 2 2024




Dagar to Lead Client Service at M/A/R/C

US consultancy M/A/R/C Research has promoted Lynn Dagar to Executive Vice President, leading the Client Services Team.

Lynn DagarIn addition to custom research and well-established analysis products, the firm offers agile solutions branded as 'Accelerated', and including Concept Screen, Brand Health, Choice, Sort and Ad Impact Measurement. Just over a year ago it expanded its portfolio to offer syndicated research to clients, via the acquisition of Horowitz Research.

Dagar has more than thirty years' qual and quant experience in the insights industry, with particular depth in brand health, message and concept testing, communications, segmentation, customer satisfaction and loyalty. Her work has covered a broad range of sectors but she has particular knowledge of the health and wellbeing arena, as well as in education, retail and financial services.

She joined M/A/R/C seventeen years ago as a Director, after a brief spell of independence - earlier she worked at Walker Research, Millward Brown Intelliquest, Outsell and Mindwave Research.

Company President Randy Wahl comments: 'Lynn has consistently demonstrated a keen ability to deliver excellence to our clients and leadership to our client service teams. I'm confident that she will continue to elevate M/A/R/C in this expanded leadership role'.

The firm is on the web at www.marcresearch.com .


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