DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 37106
Published August 14 2024




Cint Unveils Rapid brand Lift Study Creator

Cint has announced the launch of Study Creator, part of its Lucid Impact Measurement suite and promising users the ability to set up and launch brand lift studies 'in minutes'.

Lindsay FordhamThe Cint Exchange platform allows users to post survey questions and get answers from 335 million opted-in respondents across 130 countries. The firm has a global workforce of over 1,000 and has offices worldwide including in Stockholm, London, New York, New Orleans, Singapore, Gurgaon and Sydney. Last month it partnered with self-serve market research platform Brainactive.ai to offer users 'professional end-to-end surveys with real consumers...in a matter of minutes'.

According to the firm, brand lift studies have traditionally taken a while to set up and launch, by which time the window of opportunity in which they are 'accurate and relevant' has closed. Study Creator addresses this, allowing users simply to input key campaign details, tracking information, a competitive set, and the KPIs required - the study is then ready to go. This increases the relevance and value of data, whilst standardized surveys and seamless workflows allow for greater control over programming.

SVP of Product Lindsay Fordham (pictured) comments: 'Insight depends on timing, so for anyone in research or analysis, speed and agility are always going to be paramount. Brand lift studies help prove the value of marketing activities across different platforms, sites, creatives and more. But being reliant on third party providers to set up and launch studies can be stressful and slow. Study Creator collapses this gap, so marketers have all the tools they need to get data that is timely, accurate and actionable'.

Web site: www.cint.com .


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