DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 37238
Published September 12 2024




Fastuna's AI Agent Yasna Gets Smarter

Fastuna has upgraded its conversational agent Yasna.ai, to make it 'smarter, more autonomous and more culturally aware'. Automoderator 2.0 does away with the need for detailed briefings,adapts more fluently to responses and refines its tone along with changes in language.

Yasna logoFastuna was launched in 2017 and is headquartered in the Latvian capital Riga. The company automates research processes to help clients innovate rapidly, validating product and marketing decisions. In December it launched a 'conversational agent' named Mia, to free up researchers from 'arduous, emotionally demanding' traditional interviewing processes, and Yasna followed earlier this year.

The new version simplifies project setup - researchers do not need to craft detailed guides, but can simply describe the study context and objectives in a freeform style, outlining key themes to discuss with respondents, and the conversational agent will compile questionnaires and topic guides.

Automoderator 2.0 now 'formulates questions on the fly, adapting to respondents' answers with the fluidity and intuition of a human moderator' - but the firm says it stays focused on research goals, continuously checking back to the objectives for reference. Yasna's language capabilities have seen significant improvement, and the agent is now 'more culturally aware', adopting an 'appropriate tone' and relevant terminology when communicating with respondents in their native language; and identifying cultural nuances.

Web site: www.yasna.ai .


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