DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 37250
Published September 16 2024




Barb and PAMCo Trial Shared Data Collection

UK TV ad currency body Barb has announced an agreement with PAMCo, the company which oversees audience figures for British newspapers and magazines. Ipsos, data collection partner of both organisations, will ask a sample of participants to answer questions for both in the same session.

Emma HoldenPAMCo is the Joint Industry Currency responsible for publishing readership estimates, including total brand reach in print and digital, for the published media industry.

The beta-stage trial of shared data collection will take place next month, and will involve participants in the Barb Establishment Survey being asked to complete a short readership survey on behalf of PAMCo. The initiative is part of PAMCo's review process as it looks to deliver an evolved measurement system for 2025.

Last autumn Barb hired Luca Vannini, a seven-year veteran of PAMCo, for the newly created role of Head of Campaign Audiences, leading delivery of total campaign reporting.

Emma Holden (pictured), Acting MD of PAMCo says: 'We are delighted to be collaborating with Barb on this test, as PAMCo continues to evolve its measurement of published media. High quality representative samples are vital to produce reliable readership data and this test is designed to deliver both quality and efficiency'. Barb COO Caroline Baxter adds: 'It is exciting to be exploring how the industry can benefit from aspects of shared measurement. This delivers prudent management of resources, and we hope it will be the test case to create further opportunities for a more unified approach to audience measurement'.

Web sites: www.pamco.co.uk and www.barb.co.uk .


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