DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 37349
Published October 7 2024




CMB to Offer Tailored AI / Human Solutions

US-based strategic insights firm CMB has launched a range of tools called AI + HI Solutions, combining AI with the firm's longstanding research and insights consulting expertise.

Jim GarrityFormerly known as Chadwick Martin Bailey and owned by corporate engagement solutions firm ITA Group since 2017, CMB is a custom market research and consulting company based in Boston, MA.

The new AI + HI suite (Artificial Intelligence + Human Intelligence) addresses common pain points for business leaders, customising the precise role of AI in each solution according to the requirement - CMB says this helps clients uncover deeper consumer context without the risks of inaccurate data and interpretation. Chief Executive Jim Garrity (pictured) comments: 'Executive leaders and consumer insights professionals face increasing pressure to deliver innovative solutions to complex business challenges. Our AI + HI Solutions leverage cutting-edge AI technology - from GenAI driven interviews to AI-powered analysis - enabling teams to unlock deeper consumer insights and make more informed, impactful decisions'.

VP Product Development Richard Scionti adds: 'We recognize that our clients are looking to accelerate their adoption of AI, but often in risk-averse environments that make it difficult to move quickly. By leveraging our in-house AI expertise along with our senior consultants with deep industry knowledge, we are able to build solutions tailored to our clients' specific needs. These solutions are rigorously tested, security-vetted, and piloted to ensure our clients fully harness the power of AI without the risks that typically hinder large organizations'.

Web site: www.cmbinfo.com .


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