Research Now Opens French Office
European online specialist Research Now has opened an office in Paris - its first in France - and recruited a new executive team for it, led by Jean-Luc Daurelle and Emmanuel Probst.
The office gives local access to the firm's 117,000-strong French-based online consumer research and specialist French media panels. In addition, it will be offering French-based clients wider access to Research Now's total panel of over 800,000 potential respondents spread across Europe and Australia (including France).
The French panel consists of French consumers who are members of the 'Votre Opinion' panel (www.votreopinion.fr ). The panel is a 'market research-only' panel, recruited to Esomar guidelines.
As part of the 'Votre Opinion' panel, the newly launched specialist French media panel offers a highly targeted 'sub-set' sample, to support fieldwork specifically in the media sector. This will enable Research Now's clients to target consumers profiled by the type of media they consume (e.g. television, radio, cinema, music and magazine consumption, by ownership of specific types of television or media players or by choice of Internet, satellite and cable service providers).
The agency's French team brings together both researchers and international online fieldwork specialists, including Client Development Director Jean-Luc Daurelle, an experienced market researcher previously at TNS Sofrès and BVA, and Client Service Manager, Emmanuel Probst. To date, Emmanuel has been working with Research Now in London. UK-based MD Andrew Cooper will take overall responsibility for the French office.
The company is online at www.researchnow.co.uk
