BARB Looks to Next Decade of UK TV Measurement
UK audience research body BARB has issued a Request for Proposals for measurement contracts for 2010 and beyond. The request highlights the need to measure 'all audiences to televisual services within the UK' - underlining BARB's interest in coverage of out-of-home viewing and new media.
BARB (Broadcasters' Audience Research Board Ltd) has set a deadline for tenders submitting proposals and indicative tenders of 15 December 2006, but expects to award the contract or contracts only at the end of 2007. In the interim, there will be an issue of more detailed Invitations To Tender in Spring 2007 and a deadline for final tenders in Summer 2007.
BARB serves broadcasters, advertising agencies, advertisers and others with industry standard viewing figures estimating the number of people watching television in the UK - including which channels, programmes, and commercials are being watched, at what time and by whom. The figures form the basis for the currency used in television airtime trading. At present, BARB works with RSMB, Ipsos and AGB Nielsen Media Research on different parts of the process.
BARB's web site at www.barb.co.uk has further information on BARB's requirements, the procurement process and details how interested companies can apply for the Request for Proposals document.
