Meijer to Lead TNS Latin America
TNS has announced that Wander Meijer, until now its Regional Director for East Asia, will move to the equivalent position for Latin America, with immediate effect. He will transition over the coming months and be fully relocated in Buenos Aires by January 2007.
During his time in Asia, Meijer has grown the Hong Kong office into one of the group's most successful operations in the region. He has also led development of the Group's International Research Centre, International Calling Centre and 6thdimension online panel hub for Asia Pacific.
TNS Regional Managing Director James Hall says Meijer will bring 'considerable TNS knowledge, extremely strong operational skills and regional business knowledge to the Latam sub-region'. Meijer studied Spanish at the University of Salamanca, Spain, graduated in social research with Latin America as specialisation and conducted his doctoral thesis in Bolivia. Hall concludes: 'I'm confident that his experience will be a great asset in helping Latin America to emerge in its own right.'
The group's home page is at www.tns-global.com .
