DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 6021
Published October 11 2006




Public Sector Division for Dipsticks

Dipsticks Research Ltd (DRL), based in Northumbria in North East England, has announced the launch of a new division focusing on MR services for the public sector. To be known as 'Public Knowledge', this is DRL's third specialist division.

Development Director John Raglan, who founded Dipsticks in 1997 with wife Fiona, now Managing Director, said the move was a logical step given a substantial history of work for public sector clients including regional development agency One NorthEast, and an existing team of researchers with direct experience of working in public sector organisations at senior level.

DRL employs more than 40 staff at its headquarters in Allendale and 160 at a CATI centre in Hexham, as well as a large home-based fieldforce across the UK.

DRL launched its second specialist division, Other Lines of Enquiry, in 2004, which focuses on media research. An associated company, 3Cs CRM Limited, provides customer relationship management services.

Dipsticks is online at www.dipsticksresearch.com .


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