Former BPRI Staff Launch New UK B2B Agency
Three former Accounts Directors at BPRI have set up Circle Research, a new UK-based B2B research agency. Circle will offer both qual and quant with all employees skilled in both.
Circle's Victoria Tiller says clients told her and co-founders Andrew Dalglish and Beth Pearson that what they really wanted was 'a specialist B2B agency, with global capabilities and a methodology neutral approach that understands not just research, but the business issues the research is designed to address.' The result is an agency based on 'five cornerstones':- living and breathing B2B - understanding the complexities of B2B markets and engaging with 'hard to reach' audiences
- a global reach – with 'wide experience in the cultural and practical challenges that international research brings'
- a 'joined up' approach with research designed around a client's business issue not an agency's methodological specialism
- an understanding of business, not just research – seeing the wider context, and
- pride in client service, via a stable and continuous team and a hands-on approach from Directors at all stages of a project.
Circle is based in Duncannon Street, London WC2 and is online at www.circle-research.com .
