Research Now Grows US Presence with Chicago Office
European online fieldwork and panel specialist Research Now has opened a Chicago office and appointed Mike Gray, Vice President – Client Development, to build the Chicago team. Nine other staff join the agency's US team.
Gray has more than 20 years of MR and business development experience in the Mid-West, and most recently held senior client development roles at comScore Networks and Market Tools. He will be joined by Emmanuel Probst, Client Development Manager, who is relocating from the company's Paris office.
Gray explains his reasons for joining: 'In the past several years, I have been asked by my US clients to provide a quality online solution for Europe. I have attempted to use US providers and have had relatively little success. Research Now however is genuinely expert in running online multi-country research throughout Europe and the rest of the world.'
Andrew Cooper, the firm's co-founder and Group MD, says the new office and appointments represent 'a continuation of our strategy of offering clients a one stop shop to European respondents – served by local client development people who are knowledgeable about the European market place, coupled with delivery and project management direct from our US delivery hub in San Francisco.'
The company has added a further nine people to its team in San Francisco:- Matt
Dolen, formerly of Datamonitor, as Client Development Manager - Rich Ridlen, formerly of Electronic Arts, as Project Manager
- Alexander Ayzenberg, formerly of Telephia, as Project Manager
- Sarah Storer (Pinpoint Research) as Project Manager
- Winson Shuen as Client Development Executive
… and four Project Executives:- Ted Truong
- Carolyn Kubacki
- Darren Tan, and
- Derek Bushy
The firm is online at www.researchnow.co.uk .
