Parry to Take Kellner's Chair at YouGov
Thriving UK-based pollster YouGov plc has appointed Roger Parry, former Chairman and CEO of Clear Channel International, as a Non-Executive Director. As of 26th April, Parry will also become Non-Executive Chairman while current Chair Peter Kellner moves to the role of President.
Parry began his career as a journalist working at the BBC and ITV, then worked at McKinsey, WCRS and Aegis Group plc. He was Chief Executive of More Group plc when it was sold to Clear Channel. At present, he is non-executive Chairman of Johnston Press plc, Future plc and Mobile Streams plc, and Chairman of the Shakespeare's Globe Trust.
YouGov says the appointment of an independent Non-Executive Chairman is consistent with its plans for a management structure to support its growth ambitions. Kellner will remain a NED of YouGov after 26th April, focusing on the company's media and political clients and taking additional responsibility for developing research methodologies.
Kellner says Parry shares the drive and enthusiasm needed to ensure YouGov 'can capitalise on the considerable opportunities in the rapidly changing market research sector.' Parry himself comments: 'Market research has played an important role in many of the commercial decisions I have made in the last 25 years and I have never seen a better set of products. By using technology and the access that the Internet provides I really do believe that they have built a better mouse trap and I very much look forward to working with the Company as it continues to grow.'
YouGov is online at www.yougov.com .
