Merger for Agricultural MR Firms
St Louis-based Doane Marketing Research and Newbury-based Kynetec have joined forces to form dmrkynetec, a market research and consulting business specialising in agriculture, horticulture, the food chain and human and animal health.
Both companies have worked in these markets for many years, delivering market research and industry consulting, and developing related software technologies.
The new firm has ten offices across North America, Europe and Asia and supplies both ad hoc and numerous syndicated tracking studies such as its monthly Companion Animal Tracking Study (CATS) for the pet market; its quarterly animal health study, LivestockTrakSM; and its Bundled Seed and Agchem crop protection study. Anticipated studies for 2007 include Pests, Pesticides and Rodenticides, and Marketing Media Effectiveness Among Large Animal Producers. dmrkynetec has also developed a proprietary market knowledge management system called i-map, to help its clients extract marketing insights from multiple data sources.
dmrkynetec CEO Stephen Hearn comments: 'Progress over the past five years demonstrates that innovation and the application of technology provides new insights and differentiation opportunities for clients. This merger is a fabulous opportunity to expand these benefits, as well as further the use of market knowledge management in our industry.'
The company employs nearly 90 staff and is online at www.dmrkynetec.com .