NetRatings Aiming for Full Accreditation
Online ratings firm NetRatings says it will move ahead with the full Media Rating Council (MRC) Accreditation process, having completed a pre-audit.
The move follows the Interactive Advertising Bureau's (IAB) recent call for Nielsen//NetRatings and comScore to submit to a third-party audit of their measurement processes by the MRC (www.mrweb.drno/news6703.htm ) and its request for a scheduled timetable (www.mrweb.drno/news6708.htm ).
NetRatings will seek the audit specifically for its metering and page-tagging technologies – while continuing its existing MRC research plan for its panel procedures.
George Ivie, CEO and Executive Director of the MRC comments: 'NetRatings has demonstrated leadership in answering the call for increased transparency in online media measurement. We have been pleased with NetRatings' progress through the pre-audit process.'
Manish Bhatia, EVP, NetRatings responded: 'We believe this is a logical next step, because the MRC process is the only audit that certifies to clients and to the industry that we have fully disclosed our methodology and that we are executing against that methodology.'
The agency is on the web at www.nielsen-netratings.com, while the MRC is at www.mediaratingcouncil.org .
