Nielsen and Phoenix Multicultural Launch Hispanic Panel
Nielsen has partnered with research firm Phoenix Multicultural, to launch a national Homescan Consumer Panel which will tap in to the $1 trillion Hispanic consumer market.
The firms have already recruited 11,000 households. Nielsen will also expand its existing Los Angeles-based Homescan Hispanic Panel from 1,500 to 2,500 households to provide FMCG manufacturers and retailers with details about the needs, preferences and shopping habits of Hispanic consumers.
'We have worked with Nielsen since the original Los Angeles panel was established and we are very proud and honoured to be Nielsen's partner for this national expansion as well' says Raul Lopez, President of Phoenix Multicultural.
According to Tim Kregor, President, Nielsen Homescan & Spectra, North America, 'Now marketers will be able to measure detailed purchase patterns within the Hispanic population, and translate those insights into brand specific plans.'
The US Hispanic population is expected to reach the 50 million mark by 2010. Panel expansion activity is already underway and will be completed by December 31, 2007, with the first findings available by May 2008.
Phoenix recently announced the design of a new customer intelligence system (www.mrweb.com/drno/news6792.htm ). The partner firms are online at www.phoenixmi.com and www.nielsen.com .