Abt Associates Buys SRBI
In the US, public sector-focused research provider Abt Associates has acquired SRBI (Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc.), for an undisclosed sum. SRBI will operate as a wholly owned subsidiary of Abt, led by current President and CEO Mark A. Schulman, Ph.D.
Headquartered in New York City, with offices in Maryland, Florida, Kentucky, New Jersey, Arizona, and West Virginia, SRBI was founded in 1981 and offers a full range of research services for public opinion and public policy surveys as well as MR. Within the public policy arena, its expertise includes health, environment, epidemiology, transportation, energy, crime, education and tax policy. In commercial sectors it works on product and market assessment, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, image tracking, and brand equity studies.
The move comes two months after Abt sold its Financial Services Research division to TNS (www.mrweb.com/drno/news6772.htm ).
Abt Associates President and CEO, Wendell J. Knox, says the two firms' capabilities are 'highly complementary. The opportunities this will afford us in the market are significant, including being able to compete for a broader range of projects and increasing our overall market share.'
SRBI President and CEO, Mark Schulman, says clients will benefit directly from the additional capabilities in both organizations: 'From our point of view, this is an excellent fit of clients, operations, and cultures.'
Abt was founded in 1965 and employs over 1,000 staff in offices in five US and numerous overseas cities. Its credits in the US include helping to shape Medicaid, welfare reform, Head Start, crime reporting, and housing experiments, while internationally it advises countries moving to market oriented economies, often via its client USAID.
Web sites are at www.abtassociates.com and www.srbi.com.
