Poll Data Service for Kenyan Expats
In Africa, research firm The Steadman Group has partnered with online news service KenTV to provide Kenyan businessmen living abroad with investment information about their home markets.
A weekly synopsis of public opinion will be published on the KenTV web site, based on data collated from Steadman's weekly surveys and viewable by subscribers. Consumers will also have the option of making requests for data of specific interest. Steadman MD George Waititu says the service has been launched in response to increased demand for unbiased information by Kenyans living abroad.
KenTV MD Kimaita Magiri comments: 'Heavy investment at home by Kenyans in diaspora has increased their appetite for information that will give them a true picture of on goings on the ground.' He added that publication of opinion polls data online is seen as another step in the push to re-integrate the 2 million plus expat Kenyans into the local economy.
Steadman has a research team of 420 and 3,000 field operatives, and offers consumer, social, media research and opinion polling alongside media monitoring, corporate training and consultancy. The agency, which is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya and also has offices in Mozambique and Ghana, is online at www.steadman-group.com. KenTV is on the web at www.kentv.net.
