YouGov / Photon Partnership 'Called Off'
Plans for a joint venture between UK-based polling firm YouGov and Australian marketing services firm Photon Group have reportedly been abandoned, with Photon instead said to be buying social research specialist Auspoll.
Announced in August, the YouGov / Photon partnership was to have established an online panel business called YouGov Australia in time to produce polling for the Australian federal election (www.mrweb.com/drno/news7217.htm ).
The alliance was intended to combine technology from YouGov's UK panels, and people and resources from public affairs and lobbying company CPR and high profile research firm TLE (The Leading Edge) which Photon bought in August 2005.
Photon was to have held a 75% stake in the venture, and YouGov 25%. However, reports in the Australian press say YouGov pulled out after attempts to negotiate for a larger share of the joint venture were rejected by Photon.
YouGov's Managing Director, Panos Manolopoulos declined to comment on the news at this stage, but a formal announcement is expected tomorrow.
Australian advertising, media and marketing magazine B&T (www.bandt.com.au ) says Photon has agreed the purchase of Auspoll and will install Adam Kilgour as Chairman of its board, keeping the company name.
Web sites: www.yougov.com , www.photongroup.com and www.auspoll.com.au.
