Nielsen Grants Research Council Extra $2.5m
Nielsen will be giving its client forum, the Council For Research Excellence (CRE) an additional $2.5m, to enable it to conduct its own methodological research on video audience measurement. The grant is Nielsen's third since the council was founded in 2005, and brings its total donations to $7.5m.
Under the CRE's mandate, Nielsen clients determine the council's research priorities. Since its foundation, research has covered a number of areas including a 'non-Response' study to understand the characteristics and habits of people who decline to participate in People Meter and Diary measurements, and a Media study to uncover how individuals consume video inside and outside the home, measuring media exposure, life activities, location and engagement.
The council has not yet determined what additional research projects it will fund with the new Nielsen grant. CRE Chair Mark Kaline, who is Global Media Manager at Ford, comments: 'The council is providing a valuable role in identifying and conducting key basic research that will help us all improve our insight into consumer behaviour.'
Paul Donato, Nielsen's EVP and Chief Research Officer says the CRE holds a unique position in the research community. 'Even as Nielsen continues to conduct its own proprietary research, the CRE provides an outlet for representatives from all our client segments to conduct their own research in areas that they determine to be important for the future of media measurement'.
Nielsen said the funding has generated goodwill both among its clients and the industry-at-large. Donato added that research conducted to date has included 'really expensive projects that never would have been fielded in the industry if it wasn't funded this way,' and that the firm also benefits from the findings of all the council's research studies.
The council is on the web at www.researchexcellence.com , and Nielsen at www.nielsen.com.
