IAB Standard to Protect Consumer Privacy
The Board of Directors of the US-based Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has formally adopted privacy guidelines designed to give users control over the use of their personal data by online advertisers.
The association says that its privacy principles will act as a roadmap for all industry members who collect and / or use data to deliver ads online or via other platforms, and will also guarantee continued improvement in the delivery of relevant communications to consumers.
'Because of online advertising, consumers enjoy cost-free online content; competitive pricing and product comparisons; education and information gathering tools,' said Randall Rothenberg, IAB President and CEO. 'Research shows consumers value free Internet services highly and prefer advertising that is relevant to their interests, but want guarantees that their personally identifiable information won't be misused.'
'IAB's principles are an important first step in the creation of stronger industry self regulatory programmes,' said Dave Morgan, EVP Global Advertising Strategy of AOL and Co-Chair of the Task Force that developed the principles.
Founded in 1996, the Interactive Advertising Bureau evaluates and recommends standards and practices, fields interactive effectiveness research, and educates marketers, agencies, and media companies, as well as the wider business community, about the value of interactive advertising. It is online at www.iab.net.
