Munro Launch Shows Lofty Ambition
Munro Global, owner of a number of UK-based MR agencies, is to launch a new consultancy division, 3000ft Strategic Insight, and has appointed former Future Foundation and CSMTC exec William Nelson to lead it.
Munro owns FDS International, Maven Research, M-Lab and acefieldwork and expects group turnover of more than £10 million in 2008. CEO Richard Hepburn explained the decision to build rather than buy in this instance: 'Although we looked at a number of possible acquisition targets in this area we concluded that bringing on board our own team, complemented both by Charlotte [Cornish]'s previous experience with the Henley Centre and Future Foundation, and a network of trusted partner companies and specialist consultants with whom we are already collaborating, was the optimal way to introduce this offer.'
Nelson, a previous been Head of Consultancy Services for the Future Foundation Group and Centre Director at the Centre for the Study of Media, Technology and Culture (CSMTC), says the mission of 3000ft is 'to bring a new level of rigour and precision to strategic trends analysis in the UK' while adding value to the research services of the other companies in the group.
Formed in June 2006, Munro Global, which is substantially funded by Acuity Capital, formerly the smaller companies team of Electra Partners, is online at www.munroglobal.net . The new unit has its own home page at www.3000ft.co.uk .
