eDigitalResearch Appoints Former Harris Director
Fresh from its BBC contract win, UK-based eDigitalResearch has appointed Derek Eccleston as Head of Research. He has worked previously in management positions at Harris Interactive and Sony.
Last week, the firm was awarded a three year contract to provide quarterly user analysis and usability surveys for a number of the bbc.co.uk web sites.
Eccleston, who will be responsible for helping to build customer loyalty by maximising the business return from research services and developing existing accounts, joins with more than 16 years' experience in international market research and analysis within the technology, media and telecoms sectors.
Director Michelle Fuller says Eccleston's background in research and analysis will help the firm achieve its aim of providing more commercial and actionable insight from data.
Hampshire-based eDigitalResearch was established in 1999 to provide web-based research tools that provide feedback and measurement of user opinions, customer satisfaction, loyalty and web site usage. Web site: www.edigitalresearch.com .
