MRA Lobbying Secures 2010 Census Funding
In the US, the Marketing Research Association (MRA) has helped fend off attempts to cut budget for the decennial census, by convincing the US Congress to provide $1bn census funding as part of its economic stimulus package.
The MRA has a stronger lobbying and representation role after its recent merger with CMOR (the Council for Marketing and Opinion Research). In this case, the MRA made contact with supporters and opponents in the Senate, rallied members of its State Capitol Network (who help monitor and respond to legislation that impacts the profession) as well as subscribers to the AAPORnet listserv (American Association for Public Opinion Research), to urge them to contact their Senators in support of the census.
An amendment to cut the census funds was subsequently defeated during Senate floor debate.
The United States Census Bureau counts the US population every 10 years, with the next survey due to take place in 2010. Data is used to determine distribution of funds for government programs and to identify trends over time.
For the next wave, the $1bn funds will help the Bureau hire more census takers for door-to-door 'non-response' follow-up visits; open more local census offices in hard-to-count areas; expand paid advertising; and hire additional partnership specialists.
'Data produced by the census underpins nearly all aspects of survey and opinion research,' explained MRA's Director of Government Affairs, Howard Fienberg. 'It forms the baseline sample units for virtually every survey performed in the US. A properly financed census can promote proper data use, minimize respondent burden, respect individual privacy and ensure confidentiality.'
MRA is the US's second oldest research association, representing more than 3,000 corporate and individual members in the US and around the world.
Web site: www.mra-net.org .
