Privacy and Data Usage Policy - Daily Research News Subscribers

The Daily Research News email service is operated by MrWeb Ltd, a company registered in the UK. In order to send you the emails you are requesting, we need to store a minimal amount of your data on our computers. By subscribing to the news emails and replying in the affirmative to our confirmation email you are requesting us to do this and establishing that we have a legitimate interest in using your data for this limited purpose, in accordance with the latest UK and European privacy law.
What data?
When you register for Daily Research News, graphical version, we only store your email address, the country you're based in and the date you registered. If you register for the text-only version, we also store your news type preferences as submitted with your registration, in (numerical) coded but not encrypted format.
What use do we make?
We will use the address you supplied to send you the news at the interval requested (daily or weekly), and may also send you emails about changes to the service or for example requesting your participation in our industry survey, BRB - these additional emails won't be sent more than 4 times a year (total - all additional emails) and in the case of BRB include a separate opt-out.
Your rights
You may email, or reply to a news email itself, at any time, and request us to confirm the information we hold, or to delete it (in which case you'll cease receiving the daily news emails). Unsubscribed addresses will normally be removed within 2 working days of receipt of your request. If you have any questions or comments about the service or your data you can email the above address or call us on +44 (0)20 7515 6040.
Nick Thomas, & all at MrWeb
PS: Why don't we use cookies, profiling or ad targeting?
Please note that MrWeb Ltd does not use cookies, sell data or make its lists available for 3rd party mailshots, profile you to target ads at you, or store data for this purpose, anonymously or otherwise. Our news emails carry advertising aimed at market researchers, but only in the same way that if you buy a copy of 'Carp World' at the railway station you would expect to find in it advertising aimed at people who like fishing. Having toyed several times with the idea of producing regional or other 'versions' of Daily Research News, we have decided we actually want everyone to see the same items wherever they are and whatever they do in MR - in our opinion the sense of community this creates and the confidence it gives subscribers that their friends and colleagues will have seen the same items as them outweigh the possible benefits of targeting different content at different readers. We write about profiling, personalisation and targeting every day but in a small, close b2b market we think it is a lot less relevant and our fast-growing advertiser base suggests we're not entirely wrong (for a change).