Good Financial Health Reported for Ipsos
November 21 2001
The Ipsos group has recently released financial indicators for the first nine months of 2001. Its combined revenues rose to Euros 332.9 million, up 54% year on year. On this basis, Ipsos believes its performance has largely outpaced the overall market.
Closer examination of the results shows that, for the 3rd quarter 2001 alone, Ipsos revenues rose to Euros 115.9 million, a rise of a third (37%) over the 3rd quarter trading of last year. However, Ipsos business slowed down into October and November given the following factors:
- In North America, activity was particularly slow in the weeks that followed the September 11th attacks. Since the beginning of October, business is believed to have recovered to satisfactory levels.
- Certain industries directly affected by the terrorist attacks (especially airlines) have significantly reduced - or even stopped - their marketing activity. In terms of Ipsos' business, this includes many research programmes within these sectors.
- Difficulties linked to the economic situation in Latin America have increased, especially in Argentina.
In terms of revenues by activity, marketing research remains Ipsos' largest sector at over Euros 83 million for the nine months, with ad research second highest at Euros 65 million and media research third at Euros 31 million. Looked at by region, Ipsos' revenues are greatest from its business in Europe (Euros 133 million) and North America (Euros 50 million). This is followed by income from Latin American research (Euros 31 million) and Asia Pacific (just over Euros 3 million).
Looking ahead, 2002 appears to promise positive trading conditions for Ipsos, with good research business expected in all its major European and American markets.
All articles 2006-22 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas unless otherwise stated.