In Australia, Gai Le Roy has stepped down from her role as Director of Research at the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB).The IAB says it is searching for a replacement. CEO Alice Manners told Le Roy would remain a consultant to the IAB and commented: 'Gai has been an industry and IAB stalwart and we are grateful for her hard work over many years.'
Le Roy (pictured) rejoined the organization in the Research Director in 2012, from Fairfax Media, where she had worked as General Manager of Audience Insights and Research; and had also spent time as VP Research at Nielsen Online and as Insights Manager at ninemsn. During her latest stint at the IAB, she played a key role in the online measurement tender and led attempts to standard and simplify online audience and media measurement.
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All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.
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