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NatCen and JRF Set Up 'Low Income' Panel

November 12 2015

In the UK, not-for-profit body NatCen has partnered with social policy research and development charity the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), to launch a panel to better understand the social and political attitudes of people on low incomes.

Fatima Husain and Claire AinsleyMembers will be recruited from the random probability survey British Social Attitudes, with web fieldwork supplemented by telephone interviews to ensure that those without Internet access are able to take part. There will also be qualitative 'deep dive' case studies exploring the topics panel members are asked about in greater depth, and to provide an opportunity for them to shape the research.

The partners will also conduct secondary analysis of the British Social Attitudes and Understanding Society surveys, to better appreciate the role of income in shaping attitudes compared to other demographic characteristics.

NatCen Research Director Fatima Husain says the move will allow the partners to test views and attitudes quickly, and in a methodologically robust way. Claire Ainsley, Director of Communications and External Affairs of the JRF, says the organisations hope that over time, feedback from the panel will make a significant contribution to informing public debate and political opinion, by allowing the views and experiences of people on lower incomes to be heard.

Web sites: www.natcen.ac.uk and www.jrf.org.uk .

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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