Dr Nick Coates - Research Director, Promise
Nick oversees Promise's research activities and has a particular interest in the creative industries, education and the arts, language and semiotics and cross-cultural research. Nick led Promise's work with LSE Enterprise to produce a report on the history, application and benefits of co-creation.
Nick has worked with private sector clients including Hilton, Diageo, ITV, Edexcel, Pearson Education, British Gas and Prudential as well as public sector clients such as DCMS, the Museums Libraries & Archives Council (MLA), Trade New Zealand, Learndirect and the QCA.
He has co-authored reports including the DCMS' Culture on Demand ¡V Ways of Engaging a Wider Audience (2007), Arts & Business' State of the Marketplace Report (2008), the Engineering & Technology Board's e-CPD: Learning from International Experience (2005) and 2007 ESOMAR Insight Track research industry timeline.
When not working on client projects, Nick gets involved in industry issues. He is involved in the Council of the British Market Research Association (BMRA), has chaired MRS Conferences and is also involved in BIG, the Business Intelligence Group.
Nick flirted with academia for a while, writing a PhD that explored the relationship between space, identity and history in the contemporary French Caribbean novel and helped him develop a taste for cask-aged rums. Nick is a published translator, proud father, plays bass guitar in a rock band and has an unhealthy obsession with Miles Davis.
Nick Coates' current articles: (2)
A Conversation about Co-creation - 19th April, '12
Co-creation evolution or revolution - 23rd June, '11