Elephants Can't Jump
Ensuring brand initiatives work in practice as well as in theory. To have marketplace impact, we believe every research assignment should consist of three elements consumer exploration or validation, within a competitive context, generating commercial outputs.
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Firefish Ltd
29 full time staff, operating in all corners of the globe, on all manner of projects. No methodology is squashed to fit. We approach each brief with fresh eyes and minds, to make sure you get the most out of your research, helping your brand move forward.
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Grass Roots
Grass Roots is one of Europe's largest performance improvement companies. Established in 1980, Grass Roots UK is the founding company of a group with offices and partners operating in 15 countries around the world.
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In addition to Social Media Research (Web Listening) DigitalMRs solutions also include community panels, access panels, Web usability and a distinct focus on qualitativeresearch online.
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An Introduction to Guam
Officially the Territory of Guam, this is an island in the western Pacific Ocean and is classified as an organised, unincoporated insular area of the United States. The island has a long history of European Colonisation beginning in 1668 with the arrival of Spanish settlers. The US took over during the Spanish American war of 1898. See full country profile.Latest Research News from Guam
Current jobs in South East Asia (6) including...
- Jun 1 2012
Qualitative Principle Consultant, Singapore, $SG 10-12,000 per month
- Jun 1 2012
Asian Fieldwork Services Project Manager, Singapore, $ Competitive
- Jun 1 2012

GOVERNMENT: Part of the US
AREA: 541.3 sq km
POPULATION: 175,877 (July 2008 est.)
MAJOR LANGUAGE: English and Chamorro

Some business and general info
The Market Research Industry
Trade and Industry in Guam
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Officially the Territory of Guam, this is an island in the western Pacific Ocean and is classified as an organised, unincoporated insular area of the United States. The island has a long history of European Colonisation beginning in 1668 with the arrival of Spanish settlers. The US took over during the Spanish American war of 1898.
Today, Guam's economy is supported by Tourism (mainly from Japan) and US Military bases. Guam receives no foreign aid as such; however it does receive large transfer payments from the general revenues of the US Federal Treasury.
GDP: $12.5bn (PPP) ($15,000 per capita)
Religions Roman Catholicism is the predominant religion, with 85% of the population claiming an affiliation with it.
Currency: US Dollar
Telephone Code: +1 671
Research Industry
Guam has no MR association and no locally-based research providers as far as we know. If you can tell us otherwise, pleaseTrade:
Exports ($45m, 2004) - transshipments of refined petroleum products, construction materials, fish, food and beverage products.
Imports ($701m, 2004) - petroleum and petroleum products, food, manufactured goods(source: US State Dept)
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