Daily Research News Online

Research + Results Show, Munich 28-29th October 2020 - the leading international trade show for MR - Book your stand now!

Most viewed items
in the last week...

  1.   Steady Growth for Ipsos Despite US Slowdown  
  2.   Cint Partners with Brainactive for Rapid Survey Offer  
  3.   Obituary: Keith Hughes  
  4.   Semrush Buys German Web Site UX Platform Ryte  
  5.   PureSpectrum Hires for DACH Expansion  
  6.   New Potentia AI Tool Adds Qual Depth to Quant  
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Training Courses and Webinars

A searchable index of training courses and webinars in 2020 is available here. This service is free of charge for one-off events, with licenses for multiple postings costing £100 - £200 or $150 - $300 per annum. Want to have your courses listed? Get in touch

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