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June 27 2024

Trinh TuIn London, UK for UNHCR, the charity partner of the UN's High Commission for Refugees, has appointed Ipsos MD for Public Affairs Trinh Tu to the new position of Vice-Chair of Trustees.

The charity helps to mobilise private sector funds, solidarity and partnerships in support of people fleeing conflict and persecution, and since its launch in 2020 has funded more than £70 million of humanitarian relief around the world, including protection for those fleeing crises in Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine and Yemen, as well as natural disasters such as the Turkey-Syria earthquakes.

Tu and her family were refugees from Vietnam, fleeing by boat to escape persecution. Shipwrecked and stranded en route, with the compassion and help of strangers they eventually reached a refugee camp in Hong Kong, and were granted asylum in the UK. Her experience brings her a deep understanding of the challenges affecting refugees in areas such as employment, education and healthcare, to her Ipsos role providing policy research and services to government departments and international organisations.

Sohail Ali and Jon Williams were also appointed as new Broad Trustees. Chair of Trustees Charlotte Boyle said of the appointments: 'We are delighted to welcome Trinh, Jon and Sohail to UK for UNHCR. Their wealth of knowledge and experience across research, media and international law is a powerful complement to our existing Board and staff expertise as we respond to record global displacement. With less than 1% of refugees offered resettlement in third countries, the majority remain in limbo and unable to return home. The UK private sector is playing a vital role in providing much needed support to help them rebuild their lives and build a better future'.

Tu says she is 'committed to working alongside the dedicated team at UK for UNHCR to ensure that refugees are not only protected but also empowered to rebuild their lives and thrive'.

Web site: www.unrefugees.org.uk .