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An Introduction to China

The People's Republic of China is the world's most populous country, with a continuous culture stretching back nearly 4,000 years. Many of the elements that make up the foundation of the modern world originated in China, including paper, gunpowder, credit banking, the compass and paper money. See full country profile.

Latest Research News from China

Feb 11
India-based healthcare research company Krea has joined the Asia Physician Panel Alliance (APPA), the regional partnership established by Shanghai, China-based fieldwork and research agency Holden Healthcare. Feb 11 2025
Nov 5
Financial sector 'alternative data' provider YipitData has announced a number of new products providing granular insights into brand performance across Europe and China. Nov 5 2024

0 current Chinese jobs at present - sorry

Fast Facts
Map of China
CAPITAL: Beijing
GOVERNMENT: People's Republic
AREA: 9.6m sq km
POPULATION: 1.339 billion (2010 census)
MAJOR LANGUAGE: Mandarin Chinese
Chinese dragon!
Chinese dragon!

Cities The port city of Shanghai is the best place in mainland China for doing business... topping an overall ranking of 44 Chinese cities... Hard on its heels come fast-growing Guangzhou (top for infrastructure) and the capital, Beijing (home to the best labour market).

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China in Profile

The People's Republic of China is the world's most populous country, with a continuous culture stretching back nearly 4,000 years. Many of the elements that make up the foundation of the modern world originated in China, including paper, gunpowder, credit banking, the compass and paper money.

Ruled by the Communist Party of China (CPC) since 1949, it was subject to a succession of imperial dynasties for most of its history, the last one ending in 1911. Since the death of Chairman Mao Zedong in 1976 the country has moved to a more open and market-driven economy: it is now the fastest growing of the major world economies.

Some Business and General Info

GDP: China has an average annual GDP growth rate of 9.6% for the last two decades. Figures for this century: 2001 8.3%; 2002 9.1%; 2003 10.0%; 2004 10.1%; 2005 9.9%; 2006 11.1%; 2007 11.4%; 2008 9.6%; 2009 8.7%.


Currency: Renminbi (RMB) ('People's Currency'), with the yuan the popular unit, official exchange rate $US 1 = c.6.79 Yuan. 1 Yuan = 10 Jiao, 1 Jiao = 10 Fen.

Telephone Code: +86

Overview of the Research Industry

MR Association(s):

China Marketing Research Association

China is ranked 8th in the world in MR market size, with a turnover of US$793m (EUR '20m) in 2008 (US$0.60 per capita). The MR market shrank by -4.3% (Net) from 2007 to 2008. In the last few years all the major players have achieved a presence in China by a combination of M&A activity and setting up satellite offices.
Source: ESOMAR

Whilst the Chinese market research industry has been in existence for around 2 decades, its development has been relatively slow, and as of 2008 the value of market research commissioned in China is worth around US$500m. The market was growing rapidly at around 20% per annum until crunch year 2008. Assuming the previous growth is re-established, the value of the market research market may still double in value within the next four years.
Source: B2B International.

The Chinese market is not one homogenous market... For example, consumers in the East (Shanghai, Jiangsu), North (Beijing, Dongbei), West (Chongqing, Chengdu) and South (Guangdong) differ by their income levels, dietary habits, attitudes towards work and life.
Source: ORC International.
Source: ESOMAR

Overview of Trade and Industry

Administration: China is divided into 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 centrally administrative municipalities and 2 special administrative regions (SAR).

Total population in 5 censuses: 1953 582m; 1964 695m; 1982 1,008m; 1990 1,134m; 2000 1,266m; 2010 1,330m.

China has an average annual GDP growth rate of 9.6% for the last two decades. Figures for this century: 2001 8.3%; 2002 9.1%; 2003 10.0%; 2004 10.1%; 2005 9.9%; 2006 11.1%; 2007 11.4%; 2008 9.6%; 2009 8.7%.

Topography: Mountains and hilly land make up 65% of the total area. There are five main mountain ranges. Seas: The Bohai Sea, East China Sea, Yellow Sea and South China Sea.

Chinese Money is called Renminbi (RMB) ('People's Currency'), with the yuan the popular unit, official exchange rate $US 1 = c.6.79 Yuan. 1 Yuan = 10 Jiao, 1 Jiao = 10 Fen.

Telephone codes: Mainland China 86; Hong Kong 852.

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Views from...
Priscilla Sze, MD of N-Dynamic
Respondents are diversified... For example, in order to interview peasants, we will need to get co-operation from local resident committees and to use local interviewers who speak the same dialect as the respondent.