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  • Elephants Can't Jump

    Ensuring brand initiatives work in practice as well as in theory. To have marketplace impact, we believe every research assignment should consist of three elements consumer exploration or validation, within a competitive context, generating commercial outputs.
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  • Firefish Ltd

    29 full time staff, operating in all corners of the globe, on all manner of projects. No methodology is squashed to fit. We approach each brief with fresh eyes and minds, to make sure you get the most out of your research, helping your brand move forward.
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  • Grass Roots

    Grass Roots is one of Europe's largest performance improvement companies. Established in 1980, Grass Roots UK is the founding company of a group with offices and partners operating in 15 countries around the world.
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    In addition to Social Media Research (Web Listening) DigitalMRs solutions also include community panels, access panels, Web usability and a distinct focus on qualitativeresearch online.
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An Introduction to Iran

Iran is home to the World's oldest continuous major civilisation: its first dynasty was the Elamite Kingdom, formed in 2800 BC. Internationally known as Persia until 1935, Iran became an Islamic Republic after the revolution of 1979 when the Shah was forced into exile, and a theocratic government formed, leading to strained relations with most of the Western World. These continue to this day with UN sanctions over nuclear development and concerns over human rights and the suppression of free speech. There is huge popular support - mainly among the young - for social and political reform. See full country profile.

Latest Research News from Middle East

Feb 24
Middle East-focused first-party data activation specialist Journify, whose offer includes predictive AI models for deep user behavior analysis, has secured $4 million in funding. The money will be used to expand its operations and develop its SaaS offering. Feb 24 2025
Nov 29
US-based digital ad tech company PubMatic has promoted Harpreet Kallah to Associate Marketing Director, UK & MENA. Nov 29 2024

0 current Middle Eastern jobs at present - sorry

Fast Facts
Map of Iran
GOVERNMENT: Theocratic Republic
AREA: 1,648,195sq. km
POPULATION: 66,429,284 (July 2010 est.)
Kirche im, Iran
Kirche im, Iran

When is an invitati'n not an invitation? When it's T'aarof T'aarof (a Persian from of civility emphasising self-deference and social rank) governs the rules of hospitality: a host is obliged to offer anything a guest might want, and a guest is equally obliged to refuse it. This ritual may repeat itself several times before the host and guest finally determine whether the host's offer and the guest's refusal are real or simply polite. It is possible to ask someone not to t'aarof ("t'aarof nakonid"), but that raises new difficulties, since the request itself might be a devious type of t'aarof.

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Iran in Profile

Iran is home to the World's oldest continuous major civilisation: its first dynasty was the Elamite Kingdom, formed in 2800 BC. Internationally known as Persia until 1935, Iran became an Islamic Republic after the revolution of 1979 when the Shah was forced into exile, and a theocratic government formed, leading to strained relations with most of the Western World. These continue to this day with UN sanctions over nuclear development and concerns over human rights and the suppression of free speech. There is huge popular support - mainly among the young - for social and political reform.

The country itself has a great wealth of natural oil and gas reserves, second only to those of Russia. Economically, Iran has the 16th largest economy in the world (by PPP), with an emphasis in the last 15 years on domestic-consumption oriented goods such as home appliances, cars, agricultural products, etc.

Some Business and General Info

GDP: $827.1 billion, $12,500 per capita (2009)

Religions Muslim 98% (Shia 89%, Sunni 9%), other (includes Zoroastrian, Jewish, Christian, and Baha'i) 2%

Currency: Rial (IRR) (1GBP = 15,388 IRR)

Telephone Code: +98

Overview of the Research Industry

Overview of Trade and Industry

According to the CIA World Factbook, Iran exported $USD 70.32 billion worth of goods in 2009. Exports comprised Petroleum, chemical and petrochemical products, fruits, nuts and carpets, and went principally to China, Japan, India, South Korea and Turkey.

Imports in the same year were worth $USD 57.16 billion, consisting of Industrial raw materials and intermediate goods, capital goods, foodstuffs and other consumer goods, technical services, mostly from UAE, China, Germany, South Korea, Italy, Russia and India.

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