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Welcome To Palestine
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Selected MR Agencies
  • Elephants Can't Jump

    Ensuring brand initiatives work in practice as well as in theory. To have marketplace impact, we believe every research assignment should consist of three elements consumer exploration or validation, within a competitive context, generating commercial outputs.
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  • Firefish Ltd

    29 full time staff, operating in all corners of the globe, on all manner of projects. No methodology is squashed to fit. We approach each brief with fresh eyes and minds, to make sure you get the most out of your research, helping your brand move forward.
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  • Grass Roots

    Grass Roots is one of Europe's largest performance improvement companies. Established in 1980, Grass Roots UK is the founding company of a group with offices and partners operating in 15 countries around the world.
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    In addition to Social Media Research (Web Listening) DigitalMRs solutions also include community panels, access panels, Web usability and a distinct focus on qualitativeresearch online.
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An Introduction to Palestine

The Palestinian Territories consist of two (or arguably three) d'stinct areas: the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Israel considers East Jerusalem not to be a part of the West Bank, but part of a unified Jerusalem, which it unilaterally considers the Capital of the state. The eastern limit of the West Bank is the border with Jordan. Virtually all the involved parties dispute some part of how the current borders are drawn. See full country profile.

Latest Research News from Middle East

Feb 24
Middle East-focused first-party data activation specialist Journify, whose offer includes predictive AI models for deep user behavior analysis, has secured $4 million in funding. The money will be used to expand its operations and develop its SaaS offering. Feb 24 2025
Nov 29
US-based digital ad tech company PubMatic has promoted Harpreet Kallah to Associate Marketing Director, UK & MENA. Nov 29 2024

0 current Middle Eastern jobs at present - sorry

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Fast Facts
Map of Palestine
CAPITAL: East Jerusalem (Capital of the Palestinian National Authority) - although Ramallah serves as the administrative capital
GOVERNMENT: N/A - The PNA (Palestinian National Authority) is the administrative organization established to govern parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip
AREA: 5,860 sq km
POPULATION: 4.4 millions (UN 2010 est.) - note: approximately 296,700 Israeli settlers live in the West Bank (2009 est.); approximately 192,800 Israeli settlers live in East Jerusalem (2008 est.)
MAJOR LANGUAGE: Arabic, Hebrew (spoken by Israeli settlers and many Palestinians), English (widely understood)
The Western Wall, Jerusalem
The Western Wall, Jerusalem

Float your boat The Dead Sea which borders Palestine to the East has a surface and shore 422 metres below sea level, the lowest dry land elevation on the Earth's surface. The sea has a density of 1.24 kg/L, making swimming difficult but providing a relaxing floating experience for tourists. It is one of the world's first health resorts having entertained both Herod the Great and Cleopatra.

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Palestine in Profile

The Palestinian Territories consist of two (or arguably three) d'stinct areas: the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Israel considers East Jerusalem not to be a part of the West Bank, but part of a unified Jerusalem, which it unilaterally considers the Capital of the state. The eastern limit of the West Bank is the border with Jordan. Virtually all the involved parties dispute some part of how the current borders are drawn.

The term 'Palestinian' began to be applied exclusively to the Arab population of these areas only after Israel's victory in the 1967 War, and consequently the terms 'Palestinian territories' and 'occupied Palestinian territories' also gained wide usage. The territories have been the focus of much of the bitter conflict in the Middle East ever since.In the last five years a combination of foreign aid and local initiatives (some in the form of co-operatives) have established a few "green shot" businesses such as the growing trade in Palestinian Olive Oil, fruit and fruit related products.

Some Business and General Info

GDP: $12.79 billion (2009 est.) - $2,900 per capita (2008 est.)

Religions Muslim 75% (predominantly Sunni), Jewish 17%, Christian and other 8%

Currency: Israeli New Sheqel alongside: Egyptian Pound (EGP) in Gaza Strip Jordanian Dinar (JOD) in West Bank US Dollars are also widely used

Telephone Code: +970

Research Industry

The Palestinian Territories have no MR association and no locally-based research providers as far as we know.

Overview of Trade and Industry

According to the CIA World Factbook, Palestine exported $529 million worth of goods in 2008. Exports comprised olives, fruit, vegetables and limestone (includes trade from Gaza Strip). Imports in the same year were worth $USD 3.772 billion, consisting of food, consumer goods, construction materials, petroleum and chemicals.

From 2007-9 the economy in the West Bank improved gradually; in 2009 an economic boom began with growth reaching 8 percent, higher than in Israel or the West. Tourism to Bethlehem, which had doubled to 1 million in 2008, rose to nearly 1.5 million in 2009, while new car imports increased by 44%.

The first planned Palestinian city, named Rawabi, is soon be built north of Ramallah, with the help of funds from Qatar. In 2010, Ramallah was described as a hub of economic activity thanks to the improved security situation, successful battle against corruption and large consumer base.

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