OCTOBER '05 Edition - A Year of Change
New job titles and functions are complicating the MR landscape in the UK, but it's good news - a broader skills base for the profession and a more exciting range of career options, plus employers taking a fresh look at retraining staff and bringing in people from different backgrounds. AD salaries are rocketing while those for directors are stabilising after a big hike last year. Is there a dark cloud on the horizon? Well, look no further than SRE salaries - some things never change, and these haven't gone up more than about 4% in five years according to our calculations. What was the rate of inflation again?
There's also an interview with Gina Moore of Manstonmoore, a newly established recruitment agency specalising in MR Operations staff, about trends and careers for this sometimes neglected part of the profession, and you can read Tim Balbirnie's views of the Asian research market. Tim is CEO Asia Pacific for leading agency Synovate and the article marks MrWeb's impending launch of an Asian section for the site.
Love n Hate talks to two mystery shoppers and finds one will do it till she drops while it's a mystery why the other hasn't already done so.
As ever, there is senior level personnel news and vacancies plus two pages of international jobs.
MRWho has about 900 subscribers including a majority of the bosses of major UK agencies and around 320 blue chip clientside researchers. It's free and comes in a .pdf format so most people print it out, although you can read it on-screen if you prefer. The November edition has appeared online first due to delays with creating the pdf, which will be published around the end of the month and will be available for download from this site (see bottom right) - you'll need a password and for this you'll need to subscribe. If you'd like to, just email us and say so, giving us your email address (and those of anyone else there who wants it), your JobTitle(s) and the name of your company - this will only be used for our own stats, ie so we can give advertisers general information about the types of people reading it - and for our own analysis / edification. Re confidentiality of this: we are MRS members and you know the drill! Please state clearly whether you just want passwords to download previous editions or if [like 90% plus] you wish to receive forthcoming issues too.
If you're not in an HR function and you think your company's personnel or training people would be interested, please let them know - there is no limit to the number of subscribers per company, of course.
