About the Industry

What is MR

- a lasting definition

There are a huge number of different ways of defining market research, none of which is standard. Here's one good one, which we'll use throughout this section:


A good market researcher analyses the information needs of a business or organisation; gathers or locates that information; analyses and interprets it; and helps the business or organisation to make the best use of it.

If we use this broad definition, market research is thriving and will continue to thrive. Within it, particular methodologies and sub-professions rise and fall, are invented and (very occasionally) disappear, which explains why navel-gazing commentators often consider it to be facing an 'existential crisis'. Like any other industry, it changes rapidly as the technology available to business changes. More so than most other businesses, technological change opens up ever-greater opportunities for market research.

Now for the detail

What researchers actually do

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All articles in the 'About the Industry' section written by Nick Thomas of MrWeb during July - October 2017, and © MrWeb Ltd 2017. Thanks to GRIT, ESOMAR, the AMA and the MRS for stats and tables used.

About the industry - contents...

1. What is MR and how is it changing?

A comprehensive guide to what we do, how it's changing, and who else does similar stuff.

2. The global industry today

The supply side: revenues, rankings and company info, full listings.

3. Careers in MR

An introduction to the career ladder, activities, salaries and choices.