Research Now SSI has expanded its headcount in Romania, Bulgaria and the Netherlands, and has moved to new locations in each city to accommodate current and future growth.This year in Timisoara, Romania, the company has hired 54 new employees, primarily in data processing, survey programming and panel support, bringing the total number of employees there to 160. Its new office is in the city's new ISHO mixed-use development project, which includes office buildings, a hotel, a residential area, restaurants and other amenities. Anticipating future growth, the company has the option to expand to other spaces at the same location.
In Rotterdam the company has added eight employees in project management, sales and finance, bringing the total to 56, and has moved to the renovated Cool63 building in the city centre, which is also part of a multifunctional development. In Sofia, Bulgaria, 28 of the total 50 employees are new hires made since the beginning of the year, predominately in project management. In July, the team relocated to a new office space that can accommodate further expansion.
CEO Gary Laben (pictured) comments: 'It is gratifying that our company growth not only fulfils our business objectives but also allows us to contribute to local economic growth. Adding resources and new talent allows us to maintain first-class service to our customers and to refresh our teams' thinking about new solutions and ways of conducting business'.
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All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.
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