From this week, Daily Research News will feature video interviews of around 20-25 minutes with leading figures in the insights and analytics world, giving you more depth on some of the stories in the news, and talking about themselves, their companies and their views.Clearly, over the past eleven months the way business is conducted in our profession and most others has changed dramatically. Video calls are a big part of this: they quickly became commonplace from last March as a substitute for face-to-face meetings, but it seems to us they have also replaced most voice calls. This latter is partly because once you're used to video calling, you might as well use it instead of the telephone; but much of it, we suspect, is to do with people not being in their offices (at least in the Anglo-Saxon world, sorry Didier). If you can't call an office number and have any real chance of getting to speak to your contact, it's better to contact them via the 'Net - email, social media or whatever - and arrange a video chat.
In some ways, all this is infuriating and a backward step, in that you can't have a conversation without booking it first - personally I long for the days when it was normal just to pick up a 'phone and call someone instead of being sent their electronic diary. So much for faster decisions and agile business! But in other ways it's great. We really enjoyed interviewing people using Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Skype for our two recent supplements, and happily shifted from audio to video podcasts in the last one, after a fascinating 45 minutes talking to Carl Wong from LivingLens (pictured). From there it's a short step to integrating video on a more regular basis as part of DRNO.
So here you are: we'll be 'Zooming In' on a research innovator / leader on a regular basis, for a lot more depth than we provide *even* in a DRNO article. Two of the questions will be standard, to start and finish the interviews:
All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.
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