Origin, a joint industry initiative led by UK advertiser trade body ISBA, has completed the first stage of its cross-media measurement proof of concept (POC) evaluation.Project Origin is designed for advertisers planning and measuring campaigns across digital and broadcast platforms. Last September, Origin announced that Kantar had been selected to build a single-source household panel to measure advertising exposure across linear and digital channels - and include privacy-safe data integrations with first party data from global and local platforms.
The Origin proof of concept was a real-life test of the core approach for estimating deduplicated coverage and frequency across media, called the 'Virtual ID' model. Last year, Origin worked with Ipsos, using its single source panel, and RSMB, to build and evaluate models through which to understand the the 'power and strength' of this approach. The POC was a two-stage test - the first centred on the application on panel-based TV data, and the second on the ability of the model to be applied to cross-media campaigns across TV and digital.
According to Joe Lewis (pictured), Origin Research Director, performance in both tests exceeded expectations. 'The proof of concept has successfully tested and validated the application not only to TV data but also in explaining cross-media campaigns across TV and digital, successfully preserving correlations across both. There can be no denying now that, as a concept, it works, it is tested, and validated by independent third parties.'
Web sites: www.originmediameasurement.com and www.isba.org.uk .
All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.
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