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Barb Issues First Big Data Tender for UK Viewing

May 16 2024

Barb, the UK's video ad currency body, has issued the final part of its invitation to tender (ITT) for the next iteration of its audience measurement service. For the first time, this includes a requirement for big data, which Barb will integrate with panel data.

Caroline BaxterEarlier this month the body published an ITT for the panel methodology, data processing and delivery component of its measurement contract. Now it is seeking suppliers of return-path TV viewing data. It already has experience of a similar integration, from its Dovetail Fusion process which combines panel data with census data from Broadcast Video on Demand (BVOD) players.

Return-path data includes TV viewing metrics from Connected TVs and Set-Top Boxes, and Barb says it is also interested in data that can be sourced through Connected TV sets that operate in accordance with the HbbTV standard. Suppliers must indicate their interest by May 29th, and by 12th July should submit proposals that demonstrate 'extensive coverage, trusted reliability and robust technology'.

COO Caroline Baxter (pictured) comments: 'For this second component of the ITT, we are seeking sources of return-path data that cover as much of the UK population as possible, as many linear viewing types as possible and one that does not have a bias towards certain channels or viewing behaviours'.

Barb is online at www.barb.co.uk . More information can be obtained from caroline.baxter@barb.co.uk or khaled.serafy@barb.co.uk .

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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